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Search Engine Optimisation Service

With our SEO service, our aim is not solely to improve your website’s ranking and generate leads, as commonly practised by many SEO companies. Instead, we prioritise quality over quantity, focusing on attracting relevant and high-quality leads that are genuinely interested in your products or services. By targeting the real and relevant customers who are ready to buy (hot market who already knows what they want), or looking to resolve a problem (warm market who has needs but taking time looking) rather than just numbers that drive meaningless traffic or leads that have lower potential value.  Hence, we ensure that your website receives meaningful traffic that is more likely to convert into loyal customers, ultimately driving sustainable business growth.

What We Do For You

Bluehands, SEO Service Melbourne, Ringwood, Target Audience Identification

Target Audience Identification

Understand your ideal customers’ needs and preferences, ensuring your marketing efforts are precisely tailored to attract and engage the most relevant audience.

Bluehands, SEO Service Melbourne, Ringwood, Competitor Analysis

Competitor Analysis

Gain strategic insights into your competitors’ SEO strategy and performance, allowing you to identify opportunities for differentiation and leverage your competitive edge.

Bluehands, SEO Service Melbourne, Ringwood, Site Audit

Site Audit

Identify and fix technical issues on your website to improve user experience, enhance search engine visibility, and ultimately drive more conversions.

Bluehands, SEO Service Melbourne, Ringwood, SEO Keyword Research

Keyword Research

Identify the exact search terms your potential customers are using, so you can optimise your content to appear higher in search engine results and attract more qualified traffic.

Bluehands, SEO Service Melbourne, Ringwood, Technical SEO

Technical SEO

Technical SEO service focuses on optimising your website’s technical elements, such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, and indexability, to enhance its performance and ranking on search engine results pages.

Bluehands, SEO Service Melbourne, Ringwood, Google Business Profile Setup, Google Search Console Setup, Google Analytics Setup

Google Tools Setup

Leverage powerful Google tools (including Google Business Profile, Google Search Console, Google Analytics) to enhance your online visibility, monitor your site’s search performance, and gather actionable data on visitor behaviour, helping you make informed decisions to drive business growth and improve online engagement.

Bluehands, SEO Service Melbourne, Ringwood, Content Strategy Formulation

Content Strategy

Create a focused plan for producing valuable, relevant content that engages your target audience, builds brand authority, and nurtures customer relationships.

Bluehands, SEO Service Melbourne, Ringwood, Content Creation, SEO Copywriting, Valuable SEO Content, EEAT

Regular Content Creation

Consistently creating fresh, engaging and SEO focused content to keep your audience interested and informed, enhancing your SEO efforts, building trust, and establishing a strong, authoritative brand presence online.

Bluehands, SEO Service Melbourne, Ringwood, Local SEO, SEO Targeting Local Customers and Audience

Local SEO

Optimise your online presence to attract more business from relevant local searches, increasing visibility in your local community, driving foot traffic to your physical location, and enhancing your local market dominance.

Bluehands, SEO Service Melbourne, Ringwood, Link Building, Internal Backlinks, External Backlinks

Link Building

Improve your website’s authority and search engine ranking by acquiring high-quality backlinks, which signals to search engines that your site is a reputable source of information, thereby driving more organic traffic.

Bluehands, SEO Service Melbourne, Ringwood, Social Media Integration with SEO Strategy

Social Media Integration

Enhance your online presence and reach by seamlessly connecting your content with social media platforms, facilitating broader audience engagement and brand visibility.

Bluehands, SEO Service Melbourne, Ringwood, SEO Reporting, Regular SEO Reports and Statistics

Regular Reporting

Receive detailed insights into your marketing performance, allowing you to make informed decisions, track ROI, and continuously refine your strategies for improved outcomes.

Flexible Pricing & Packages Model

Flexible SEO Packages | We customise our pricing packages to suit your particular needs

Other Services

Bluehands Services Melbourne Ringwood Eastern Suburbs Best Melbourne Web Design Company Agency

Frequently Asked Questions . SEO Services

What is SEO and Why is it important?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, is the practice of improving a website to increase its visibility when people search for products or services related to your business in search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. The higher the visibility of your pages in search results, the more likely you are to garner attention and attract prospective and existing customers to your business. It is important because it helps drive more organic (free) and long term traffic to your website, which can lead to increased sales and brand recognition.

Read this blog post to understand more: Understanding SEO through Gardening

How long does it take to see results from SEO?

The time it takes to see significant results from SEO can vary depending on several factors including the competitiveness of your industry, the quality of your website content, and your ongoing SEO efforts. Generally, it can take from a few months to a year to see substantial results. However, SEO is a long-term strategy, and continuous efforts are required to maintain and improve rankings.

What are keywords and why are they important?

Keywords are words or phrases that people use to search for products or services online. They are important because they help search engines understand the content of your website and how it relates to what users are searching for. By optimizing your website with the right keywords, you can improve your visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) and attract more targeted traffic to your site.

Is mobile optimisation important for SEO?

Yes, mobile optimization is crucial for SEO as more people use mobile devices to search the internet than desktop computers. Google and other search engines prioritise mobile-friendly websites in their search results. A mobile-optimized website should load quickly, be easy to navigate on a small screen, and provide a positive user experience.

Does social media impact SEO?

While social media signals do not directly impact search engine rankings, a strong social media presence can help increase your brand's visibility, drive traffic to your website, and enhance your brand's reputation. Additionally, content shared on social media can gain backlinks, which can positively affect your website's SEO.

How often should I update my website for SEO?

Regular and consistent updates to your website are important for SEO because they show search engines that your site is active and relevant. This can include publishing new content, updating existing content, and making technical improvements. However, the frequency of updates depends on your industry, competition, and the specific goals of your SEO strategy.

Can you guarantee that our site will achieve a #1 ranking on Google?

According to Google's guidelines, no company can guarantee a #1 ranking on Google. If a firm claims to ensure a top ranking, it's important to be cautious. Such promises could indicate the use of unethical, 'black hat' SEO techniques that might temporarily boost your ranking but can also lead to severe penalties from search engines in the long run. Alternatively, these firms may be targeting low-competition, low-search-volume keywords that won’t significantly benefit your business in terms of traffic and conversions. Ultimately, these practices do not create real value for your website. For more on SEO and best practices, see Google's own recommendations here. Our commitment is to apply ethical and effective strategies that aim to sustainably improve your website's visibility and ranking over time.

How do you build websites?

We use WordPress to build websites for our clients. WordPress is a versatile and user-friendly content management system that powers a significant portion of the web. It offers many benefits, including a wide range of themes and plugins, which allow for extensive customization and functionality. Using WordPress also provides our clients with the flexibility to edit and manage their sites independently, without needing extensive technical knowledge. Additionally, there is a vast array of resources available online for WordPress users, which makes it easier for our clients to find help or learn more about managing their websites.